Frank McKinney is a senior software consultant at Point-of-Care Partners with 20 years’ experience helping organizations participate in health care information exchange. Frank enjoys working closely with business and technical stakeholders — within and across organizations — to discover needs, clarify understanding, establish approach, and deliver technology that makes a difference. This background helps him to be particularly effective facilitating multi-stakeholder initiatives.
He has worked with a range of organizations (information exchange networks, EHR vendors, pharmacies, government agencies, pharmacy benefit managers and others) to clarify goals, develop shared understandings, design solutions, and build the associated business capabilities and systems.
Before consulting, Frank was the e-prescribing product strategist for the long-term care EHR vendor, MatrixCare, and a product development manager at RxHub (now Surescripts), where he helped develop its nationwide electronic information exchange for prescriptions and benefit information.
Frank is a long-term contributor to health care standards organizations and industry efforts. He’s served on the NCPDP Board of Trustees; led several of its task groups; and authored implementation guide content for the NCPDP SCRIPT e-prescribing, electronic prior authorization, Structured and Codified Sig, and Formulary and Benefit standards. He is also active in HL7 working groups and has participated in many other industry efforts.
Prior to focusing on health care, Frank was an investment accountant, analyst, software developer, and product and project manager at businesses in the finance sector. He has a bachelor’s degree in business finance.
Frank lives in Minneapolis with his wife, Patty, and their travel-sized dog, Nacho.