Whitepapers and Case Studies


Pharmacy Interoperability: A Comprehensive Assessment of the Current Landscape
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, Q4 2024

From Ignored to Impactful: Maximizing Payer Value through Formulary Validation, Intelligent Alternatives and Real-Time Benefit Check at Point of Care
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, Q2 2024


The Secret Sauce: Maximizing the Effectiveness of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives in Healthcare IT
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, Q2 2022


Modernizing Consent to Advance Health & Equity
[Industry Report] by Stewards of Change Institute, Point-of-Care Partners, et al

The Da Vinci Project White Paper
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, Q1 2021


ePrescribing Information to Improve Medication Adherence
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, April 20, 2017


eMedication Management: A New Paradigm for Creating Value in Today’s Health Care Ecosystem
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, 2014

Advancing Electronic Prescribing of Controlled Substances: Lessons Learned in Arizona
Insights from a Successful Six-Month, Multi-stakeholder Initiative
[Case Study] by Point-of-Care Partners


Building the foundation for an effective and efficient healthcare system: lessons learned in Southeastern Michigan, Insights from a Seven-Year, Multi-Stakeholder Initiative (SEMI)
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, 2013

Quest for Health Information Exchange Sustainability Leads to Innovative Growth Strategies
Ed Daniels and Michael Solomon, Ph.D., senior consultants, Point-of-Care Partners


Health Plans and Health Information Technology: Six Areas of Opportunity Under the Affordable Care Act.
[Whitepaper] by Point-of-Care Partners, 2012.

Electronic Prior Authorization for Medications: The Time is Right for Plans, PBMs, and Other Payers
[Whitepaper] by Kurt Andrews, Mihir Patel and Tony Schueth, Point-of-Care Partners, 2012.

Private Health Information Exchanges are Leading the Way
Tom Deas, M.D. and Michael Solomon, PhD, Health Data Management, March 6, 2012


Secrets of HIE Success Revealed: Lessons from the Leaders
National eHealth Collaborative. August 2, 2011. (POCP’s Michael Solomon and Ed Daniels conducted the interviews and prepared this report.)

Medical Loss Ratio Minimums: Turning Regulation into Opportunity
Karen Van Wagner and Michael R. Solomon, The Bureau of National Affairs, January 17, 2011.


Response to ONC Question Regarding Privacy and Security and Emerging Technologies for Personal Health Records: What privacy and security risks, concerns, and benefits arise from the current state and emerging business models of PHRs and related emerging technologies built around the collection and use of consumer health information, including mobile technologies and social networking?
Michael Solomon, PhD, MBA, Practice Lead, eCare Management, Point-of-Care Partners.

Effects of Standards-based Electronic Prescribing Systems on Outpatient Primary Care Practice:
A Physician Survey

Jason C. Wang MD, PhD, RAND Health; Mihir H. Patel, PharmD, Point-of-Care Partners, LLC; Anthony J. Schueth, MS, Point-of-Care Partners, LLC; Melissa Bradley, BA, RAND Health; Shinyi Wu, PhD, RAND Health; Jesse C. Crosson, PhD, University of Medicine Dentistry of New Jersey; Peter A. Glassman, MBBS, MSc, RAND Health; and Douglas S. Bell, MD, PhD, RAND Health, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, January 2010

Realizing the Promise of EMRs: How a Group of Physicians in Texas Moved Forward on EMR and HIE
At the Same Time

Karen Van Wagner and Michael R. Solomon, Healthcare Informatics, August 2010.

FDA Spur Speculation that Health IT Software May Soon Be Subject to Regulation
Ed Daniels, Point-of-Care Partners, Smart Products, March 1, 2010